Rethinking how Red Pill Politics interacts with our audience AND thinking outside of the box is one of the unique characteristics that sets us apart from other independent content providers. As you can see, activists/patriots can engage to the point of becoming part of the outgoing content and messaging, not just consume or aid in its distribution. Moreover, unlike many other streamers and content providers, we proactively encourage our supporters to contribute their hidden skills to providing content and expanding the patriot network.

So please review the following options to see which of them might compliment your event or project. Think outside of the box! If you have a unique idea for your event and nothing listed exactly matches, please feel free to reach out to discus how we to collaborate and customize the content to meet your itinerary.

  • Speaking Engagement: I will speak live at your event and work with a liaison from your group to establish the topic and minutes of speaking time. Typical time slots range from 10 mins+/- to more comprehensive lectures of 1 or 2 hrs.
  • Red Pill Politics Road Show: This is where we move the Red Pill Politics show right to you. We record a arranged episode at your event with your LIVE studio audience. I will work with a liaison from your group to establish the show length (30mins, 60mins, 90mins, or 120mins) and more importantly, who will be the guest interview. Many times we seat a small panel of speakers that are already part of a larger event agenda and thus give these VIP’s even more reach. Conversely I could leverage existing networks and connections to include topic specific experts to address a particular subject matter. The idea is to bring together an audience of like-minded warm bodies that you can immediately leverage and put to work while simultaneously capturing impactful video content that can now be widely shared and distributed. The episode will be archived and available to copy and distribute freely in it’s entirety.
  • Remote Interviews: We do regular remote interviews and I’ll work with your group liaison to establish the topic and time slot itinerary. We do all of our remote interviews by Zoom or Skype. We will then promote your interview and show link on our website.
  • Custom Content: Although Red Pill Politics’ adventure in modern streaming started years ago with a smartphone and a living-room couch, we’ve managed to amass an impressive and productive collection of equipment, software, and relevant service providers, just to improve the quality and reach of our regular broadcasts. Every moment this “stuff” sits idle is wasted opportunity! Therefore, we wanted to make our current production package available to patriot groups and freedom fighters everywhere. I will work with a liaison to brainstorm and custom develop video content to enhance and strengthen your informational outreach. This can be entirely separate of any Red Pill Politics production. ALL of the cast and content is controlled by you. We will completely customize the individuals, titles, captions, supplemental video/audio clips, and any document or webpage you’d like to display. The only acknowledgement of RPP will be in the closing credits.
  • FAIR WARNING: Just because you submit a booking form does NOT guarantee a favorable response. If you’re a true freedom fighter and your message is in line with the Constitution, we will do everything we can to accommodate you. However, if you’re just lugging water for some establishment RINO and think we’re going to divert limited time and resources away from worthy freedom fighters, you should just save the electrons and not even bother submitting the form.

If you’re interested in working together, please fill out the Booking Form as completely as possible. Please note that it is preferable to have as much lead time as we can get to facilitate scheduling details and timelines.

    Your Phone

    Group Affiliation(s) (if any)

    Select the booking type you are interested in.

    © 2024 Red Pill Politics – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.