Please exercise discernment when you stray from the literal words of the actual founding documents. Don’t count on accurate interpretations of the founders intent from government surrogates and BAR rats. Cross reference your queries with independent third party constitutional experts.


This is a list of the various “political calendars” for the northeast area. As Eastern Regional Chair of the Constitution Party, I wanted to at least provide the pages for the states of my region. They include a chronological list of deadlines and election dates.


The following is a short list of freely accessible sources to look up and research the goings-on of government. You can locate simple information like who your Public Servants are or dig into more enlightening things like federal COVID databases and more. Share your findings in the forum.


There are currently over 13,000 pending Bills & Resolutions in Congress. The following real-time feeds represent ONLY a small percentage that I briefly identified as a clear threat to our constitutional Republic.

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