You’re NOT going to be able to count on the internet when the SHTF which is why every good prepper’s library is as well stocked as his or her pantry. The publications on this page cover all the basics of preparedness and also offers a variety of very in-depth and detailed discussions around key elements of preparedness. Knowledge, once acquired, cannot be taken from you!



This section contains articles, videos, downloads, and products associated with food acquisition & storage strategies. Canning, dehydration, fermentation, freezing and other preservation considerations will be covered. Americans have become dangerously dependent upon non-local food supplies that are now reacting to the demands of foreign policy and Trade Agreements rather than domestic demands.



Water purification

People can only last about three days without water. Sufficient amounts of clean water is required to maintain proper function of internal organs and regulate body temperature. This section will contain both survivalist methods of locating/filtering/storing water during times of unrest as well as modern currently accessible equipment/supplies for pre-emptive preparedness.



The time to start thinking about your closest First Aid Kit is NOT when you or a loved one are in the midst of a emergency. Moreover, having First Aid equipment and knowing what to do and how to use it are two entirely different things. This section will help you upgrade your skills and your First Aid kits too.



On a good day. our energy grid is fragile, vulnerable, and archaic. Without a energy backup, thousands of dollars in frozen meat and life saving medications can spoil, just from a major storm event. Don’t be one of those people! This section will explore several ways to produce needed energy in a grid-down situation and the pro’s and con’s of each.



Personal preparedness gear is something that is partially dependent upon where you live in the country, but there are some consistencies too. This section will contain informational material as well as direct links to recommended gear and supplies. YOU will have to prioritized and customize research based on YOUR specific conditions.



Sadly most people don’t know how to use a map/compass nor have they put any real thought into travel hazards during uncertain times. This section will teach you the fundamentals of map/compass navigation, expand your horizons regarding mapable data and challenge you to develop sets of travel contingencies.



It’s pretty obvious how important dependable communications are, just from experiencing day-to-day life. Although modern technology has baited us with expanding selection of platforms and services by which to communicate by voice, text, or video, in real-time, it can disappear instantly and without warning.



This is no place for anyone to skimp! A healthy person needs to stay healthy AND be as resilient and ready as possible for any health emergencies that might arise. Those of you that require daily life-sustaining medication(s) to maintain your health MUST be thinking about how to replace / supplement them. Without your health… have nothing.



I’m not going to waste a lot of time trying to replicate something that has already been very well developed by the prepper community. They’ve accumulated a wealth of information, files, videos, etc. over the years and almost any preparedness topic you can think of has been explored. As always, use discernment. There’s a wealth of information there and experts to interact with, but remember that this is also a community of unknowns too. Don’t be led astray by a fed or a garden variety nutcase.

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