Hang in there folks! We’ve got some snarky and sexy RPP gear on the way, but we sure do appreciate your support. However, this section is going to be more than just another place to get exceedingly cool hats, shirts and politically incorrect buttons. We want you to keep coming back so you never know what kind of “stuff” will pop up in the window of the Red Pill Mercantile….o_0

Along with our new website, the shirts and hats are getting an update too, but we’ll post them as soon as they’re available. In the mean time, feel free to poke around in the “prepare” section where we included many unique preparedness items through our Amazon Affiliate.

So we’re probably going to get the other more important parts of the site organized and tested before we worry too much about selling tee-shirts. Feel free to visit the donate button if you’d like, but check back often for updates to the site.

Stay cool……..and fear not.


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