The first National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was passed in 1961 and is the legislative mechanism that authorizes and defined the agencies within the Department of Defense tasked with national defense. This has taken place annually as a two part set whereby the NDAA is the oversight mechanism and the subsequent appropriations bills is the funding mechanism.

The NDAA rarely gets any fanfare and is quietly stuffed full of amendments and passed. In 2013, the Obama regime amended the NDAA in a way the neutered the Smith-Mundt Act effectively making it legal for the military and the main stream media to release propaganda domestically. In fact, ever since 911, the NDAA has been a very attractive annual target for turning all their big-brother ambitions into enforceable law…..and well funded.

This year seems to be no different than any other year when the NDAA is introduced for re-authorization. Patriots spend 50 out of 52 weeks of the year bitching and complaining about big-brother and overreaching government, the week before NDAA is passed is spent in panic and the week after is spent crying in their beer. In case you were wondering, just to be clear, we now entering the panic phase of this annual ritual of Silent Consent.

Julie Kelly recently sounded the alarm on Twitter regarding Adam Schiff (well known deep-state progressive) introducing an Orwellian amendment to the NDAA that is a clear and transparent attempt to hide something and interfere with justice.

Here are the NDAA activity feeds from GovTrack. Please share this page with your patriot friends and encourage them to let their misguided Public Servants that WE KNOW WHAT THEY’RE DOING! Demand that they reject the NDAA re-authorization until ALL the pork and tyranny is removed.

Adam Schiff is a direct and immediate threat to the Constitution and is completely unfit to serve. I highly suggest that you keep an eye on his legislative activity and fundraising activity and report your findings.

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